Is the Bunsen Burner Off ?!

The Daily Musing, Exploits, or just Mundane Details of My Life for friends and family's amusement. This blog could also be titled: "Am I There Yet" or " Prince Charming Got Lost in the Forest" Here's to Happily Ever After!

Friday, July 22, 2005

one of those days

Good thing: I got a bike for $10. It even functions, I rode it home. Is it pretty? No. Is it safe? HOpe so. Is it rusty? Yep.

Frustrating thing: Went to glass shop to pick up glassware. Sign said be back at 3 PM. Mulled around for 15 mins.

Another frustrating thing: Went to get candy bar. Sign said be back in 5 minutes, not likely. Went to snack machine to get candy bar. Machine would not take dollar. Stuck dollar in coke machine. Wouldn't give me change. So after 15 mins of trying to get a candy bar I ended up with a coke. Then I got so busy I forgot I was hungry.

Good thing: "Love at First Bite" arrived today.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

what's your vice? Mine is ...

Movies and TV. When I thought I had money, I would buy at least one movie a month or (Television show season). In an effort to get out of the financial hell hole I've dug, I wake up everyday saying I will not buy a movie this month (a month is the time in between each payday). I've made it 4 days, so far so good. Last night I implemented the lets go to the library and get movies for free plan. I got a documentary on Beavers, Electricity, and the movie Dummy. Yeah me! However I should mention I've already broke the no renting from Blockbuster this month rule. I broke down I just had to have the last disc of "Dead Like Me" Season 1: Disc 4. Bad Me :( However they have taken away my rewards, I use to get a free rental with every rental. Now I don't. This is enough, to discourage my patronage. Corse if it wasn't for Netflix I would still be renting a gazillion movies and I would still have the rewards, and wouldn't be peeved at them. I'm anxiously awaiting "love at first bite" (see previous post) and Dead Like Me season 2 to come whizzing to my mailbox. Darn apperently everyone else also wants to watch Dead Like Me season 2 (just checked Netlfix -long wait), repeat "must not go to Blockbuster".

I'm interested to here what my fellow bloggers vices are, S: I'm guessing is music, possibly books. B: I don't think you have any vices, you have a will of iron.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Cheesy Dracula flicks and Drive Ins

One of the first movies I remember going to see is out on DVD. I'm so excited! I can't wait to see it. The very campy 1979 "Love at first bite". I remeber we saw it at the Drive In. Which was very cool because I would have been 7 and very ancy so I was able to move around and go play on the swings. Not having to stay in your seat and be quiet was a big plus back then. I absolutely love drive ins. But is it because it's a quality veiwing experience or a great childhood memory. Hmmm? I do like the huge screen. But alas usually I have forgotten to clean the windshield and so that makes the picture blurry and I usually end up seeing the movie twice. It is great for people with kids though. I'm very glad I live in a place that has a Drive In still. The last movie I saw at the drive in was Shrek 2 with BBFK and Noel. If I go see Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory I think I'll go the drive in. However from the trailer Jonny Depp is acting weird and not in the fun Gene Wilder way. One day when I'm independently wealthy after opening the animal refuge I'll work on restoring Drive Ins throughout the country. But perhaps I won't have to because it will already be done.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Well I can't think of anything neat and witty to say. So I'll just recount some facts.

Found new TV show I like: Dead Like Me.
Found lake in town didn't know was there.
Had nice wine at S's party. Good cheese too. Oh and carrot cake with frosting carrots on top.
Have tire that has a leak.
Finally got my IRS state refund. Giving a little I'm in the money dance. (can now fix tire)
Had two sleepless nights.
Watched the All STar game (baseball). It's pretty sad when cute professional athletes are begining to get to young for me.
Dog only walked once due to inclement weather and health.
Defrosted Freezer at work.
Cursed at work (may or may not have involved freezer, actually think it was chemical room that brought on Terets).
Read friends' blogs desperate for info.
Clicked on brother's blog, still no posts.
Must run to watch "Beauty and the Geek"

Friday, July 08, 2005

problem with scooters

So its hot. Not as hot as last week where it was high 90s. but still comfortably warm. This means I get to ride my yamaha black and purple scooter with my white CHiPs style hat. Oh so stylin. Anyway riding the scooter is fun. I don't have to get in a hot car and nearly pass out. Gosh do I miss garages or tree covered parking. though sometimes its an adventure to ride the scooter if there is a sudden down pour or a strong wind. The one problem is traffic lights. Me + scooter does not equal enough weight to trip the traffic light. Hence, I sometimes have to wait patiently and pray that another car will pull up, to trip the light. If its late at night and there are no cars, I have to sometimes live on the wild side, and proceed against the traffic signal. Don't worry Dad I check all ways before proceeding.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Finding Neverland was Awesome!

Wow what a movie. Johnny Depp was at his best. I thought he did the accent great. However I'll let our UK friends way in on that one. The imaginary scenes were just beautiful and I loved how they blended them with reality. My favorites scenes were "dancing with Porthos the bear" and "the pirate ship". Kate Winslet was good too. Two thumbs way up! Everyone should see this movie.

Monday, July 04, 2005

one to remeber


Imagine two thirtysomething girls huddled under blankets occasionally putting up umbrellas and then taking them down and then putting them up over and over again. Then pretty decent rain, and then oh joy. Loud bright explosions of fourth of July fun! Yes after an hour delay and somewhat high winds, asking of the crowd to move back, the city fireworks began. Actually I figure the rain saved the show, because it insured that most of the fireworks would be out by the time they hit the crowd. The picture was taken with my phone as I dashed it out from under the umbrella. There were a couple of new fireworks. I don't know how they did it, but one actually had the formation of a star. The other new way cool one resembled a bunch of angry swarming white insects as they zigzagged across the sky!

They actually had new music this year. Pretty good except for a horrible sythesized rendition of Gershwin. Also a song about the "unknown soldier" was quite sad. There was one song I particulary liked, but alas, S pointed out its used in the "Beef, its what for dinner commercials" so I had that phrase stuck in my head the rest of the night. At the end we were wiping a lot of soot off our faces and I only said ouch once when I got hit. Otherwise I was able to dodge the debris. The display, thanks to the wind, was right over our heads. So occasionally we had to crane our necks back to get the whole view. I think I had the more comfortable view because I was in a lawn chair and had a head rest.

While we were waiting before the show, a little girl kept pretending to give S popcorn, but would yank it away at the last minute. She was also very fascinated with my phone. I decided to put it away so her parents could stop chasing after her.

For S's post on the show see: Thingstodo

Sunday, July 03, 2005

My Ducks - Memory Lane

My 5th birthday present was a female mallard, I named "Happy". Shortly after we got her a mate, I named him "Junior". They had about 3 successful broods. It's funny how pictures can show something you don't remember. I can't recall the lawn ever looking so unkempt (though it doesn't look so bad on the small version). Props to my dad for restoring the photo so nicely. You can actually see the flowers on the baby pool.



Saturday, July 02, 2005

Firework Fracas

So the little Amish town of Arthur is spending a whole bunch of money to put on one big fireworks display tonight. Slight problem: They're fireworks guy was arrested this week for fireworks insurance fraud. They're going on with the show, he's out on bail. Here's the kicker, apparently the fraud was done last year between Jan and July 2004. Now this seems fishy that they are just getting around to arresting him a week before July 4th, 2005. I can only hope that this time he really does have insurance, and he wants to do a good job, so that good people of Arthur haven't wasted alot of money. And I hope that he does actually know what he is doing.