Is the Bunsen Burner Off ?!

The Daily Musing, Exploits, or just Mundane Details of My Life for friends and family's amusement. This blog could also be titled: "Am I There Yet" or " Prince Charming Got Lost in the Forest" Here's to Happily Ever After!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

fall TV or guess who I have a crush on?

During August I couldn't wait till the fall season got here. Shows about ghosts, shows about aliens, 4 actors from Buffy have new series. Come September the bloom is gone. All the networks are dishing out the same show. Everyone has a crime show, a medical show, a medical investigation show, a lawyer show, thanks to Lost a maybe supernatural alien show but maybe not, oh and your oh so boring canned sitcom. Been watching "Prison BReak", but OK he has to get out this season or nobody will tune in, what are they going to do next season. The lead was in one episode of Buffy, turned into a sea monster. I made it through Buffy's Allyson Hannigan "How I met your mother" , will I tune in again Monday is slow, so perhaps. Haven't been able to make it through Buffy's David Boreanz, "Bones". Twice now have lost interest. Probably not going to watch Buffy's Nicholas Brandon "Kitchen Confidential" , though at least there are alot of cute guys on that one. The only new show I have so far enjoyed is, and yes it is on the WB, is "Supernatural", the stories are Ok but Jenson Ackles and Jared Padlecki, Ummm Ummm good. I almost made it through half a season of Gilmore Girls because of the latter. And the former made season II of Dark ANgel that much more enjoyable. And now they are on the same show!
But what really has been keeping me from watching TV. Yep TV on DVD, I'm not hooked on a new show for me. two years I resisted but I had to go watch a Disney flick, and now I have a super huge crush on a guy with 3 names. I'll let you guess who? One hint: he's on the WB.


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