Is the Bunsen Burner Off ?!

The Daily Musing, Exploits, or just Mundane Details of My Life for friends and family's amusement. This blog could also be titled: "Am I There Yet" or " Prince Charming Got Lost in the Forest" Here's to Happily Ever After!

Sunday, November 20, 2005

the Weather Man

Go see this movie. Nick Cage is awesome. Yes, parts are depressing, parts make your skin crawl, but he gets through it. Life doesn't always end up how you planned but that's OK. You will probably never please your parents, but they love and worry about you anyway.


  • At 11:15 PM, Blogger ergo said…

    Amen to that.

  • At 3:43 AM, Blogger Lever said…

    OK :) Harry Potter and Narnia are lined up too, plus Saw II.... damn I need to buy shares in the cinema LOL

  • At 1:41 PM, Blogger searchingforMrDarcy said…

    Lever: Harry potter is good, but I was disappointed. But I'm always disappointed when I see them in the theater because they have to leave so much out.
    I know what you mean, I also want to see "Walk the LINE"

    Ergo: yes remeber that girl.

  • At 7:59 AM, Blogger BeckyBumbleFuck said…

    Oooooo, cool. A good movie with Nicholas Cage...I need to go adjust my netflix queu...

  • At 7:55 PM, Blogger searchingforMrDarcy said…

    sorry B, it was in the theater, you'll have to wait.


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