Is the Bunsen Burner Off ?!

The Daily Musing, Exploits, or just Mundane Details of My Life for friends and family's amusement. This blog could also be titled: "Am I There Yet" or " Prince Charming Got Lost in the Forest" Here's to Happily Ever After!

Friday, April 21, 2006

I've been tricked

So I was participating in an excercise study where I was wearing an accelerometer and a pedometer.
I was amazed at all the miles I was walking, since I was walking 15 miles a day I thought they might have got my step a bit off. But I figured I must be burning alot of calories, so I was pretty much eating whatever I wanted. Lots and Lots and Lots of peanut butter chocolate cookies. Well turns out they had doubled my step on purpose to see the effect on my excercise motivation. Did it motivate me to excercise more, no, I assumed I was getting lots of excercise so why do more. But yes I ate everything! I can feel the pounds piling on. I think I'm gonna go take my $15 dollars and eat something! ;)


  • At 7:01 AM, Blogger ergo said…

    psych experiments are all about tricking people. I like how you were concerned with giving them an accurate idea of your activity level.

  • At 3:36 AM, Blogger Lever said…

    Yow. PB Cookies... Peanuts are very high in fat content anyway... I've actually been checking the fat % on most things I've bought recently and been quite shocked at how highly saturated most of our food is... but I now know the lower fat products and have been on BBQ'd chicken & salad of late. I love the Summertime :)

  • At 9:35 PM, Blogger searchingforMrDarcy said…

    ergo: Hey if you tell me to behave normally, I'll listen
    Lever: with all that bike riding you do, I wouldn't think you would worry bout fat. Actually they were chocolate cookies with peanut butter chips. Lifes to short to deny myself yummy food, unless that food shortens your life ... hmmm.

  • At 1:07 PM, Blogger ergo said…

    I can't believe that I could have gotten a PHD in 2 weeks. What a fool I was!

  • At 9:16 PM, Blogger searchingforMrDarcy said…

    Ergo: hey I knew there must be a purpose to spam, blam, whatever this crap is. Since I got my degree in the wrong thing, BS in Environmental Engineering Here I come.

  • At 7:32 AM, Blogger BeckyBumbleFuck said…

    Well, you were looking nice and trim when I saw you last, so PB cookies or not the excercise is doing you great! I'm so jealous that you've been walking so much...that's super cool, Babe!

  • At 10:41 PM, Blogger searchingforMrDarcy said…

    Thanks B. I wasn't sure it showed. It was so good seeing you again! Miss ya!


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