Is the Bunsen Burner Off ?!

The Daily Musing, Exploits, or just Mundane Details of My Life for friends and family's amusement. This blog could also be titled: "Am I There Yet" or " Prince Charming Got Lost in the Forest" Here's to Happily Ever After!

Saturday, June 17, 2006

my plea was heard

Just in case you were wondering, Brian was kept on the team (see below post). And he's been doing much better. Yeah! Go Sox!


  • At 9:10 AM, Blogger Lever said…

    I prefer red ones myself ;)

  • At 5:05 PM, Blogger searchingforMrDarcy said…

    Hey Lever,
    I didn't think anyone over the pond cared about baseball, so I'm going to assume you just like red socks and not the carmines. Otherwise I might have to stop liking you ;)


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