Is the Bunsen Burner Off ?!

The Daily Musing, Exploits, or just Mundane Details of My Life for friends and family's amusement. This blog could also be titled: "Am I There Yet" or " Prince Charming Got Lost in the Forest" Here's to Happily Ever After!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

I am alive

Well I finally figured out how to log back in. Yes I am still alive and in Oregon. I am trying in the next two months to get a promotion. Perhaps I have not blogged because I don't have to worry about the bunsen burner being on since I am no longer in the lab, just the heater, the hair dryer, and other electrical appliances.

Let's see. Alot of nothing big has happened. Took up snowshoeing. Am heavier than I have ever been before (yes I am considering jeans with elastic waistband in the future). Met a few boys I liked. Moved somewhat to the country, yes, I am out of the industrial zone. Went to see Mt. St. Helen's. Way cool. Went dog sledding in bend. Even cooler!

Gave up cable. I know absolutely nothing about what's going on in the world. Just found out the olympics started two days ago. Still miss the midwest terribly! Well I guess that is enough to see if anyone stops by.

Miss you Bec an Sooz.


  • At 8:41 AM, Blogger BeckyBumbleFuck said…


    Post some pictures, please Babe!
    And how is work? And traveling on the horizon?
    BTW, I just moved back to NY, so we are a bit closer...

  • At 10:27 PM, Blogger searchingforMrDarcy said…

    OMG your back in the states. We will definately have to get back together. I'm sad if being back in the states has negative boy conitations.

  • At 10:30 PM, Blogger searchingforMrDarcy said…

    oh I would post pictures, if I knew how anymore, please explain


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